Thursday, 2 October 2014


( written by Ridha , 
  with the help of a few beautiful people )

  I don’t remember how it was when I first came to TKM. I think I was happy I got into this place without any NATA coaching classes, without any introduction to architecture itself. I plunged into it without any second thought. I mean, if I passed NATA and got into TKM, I should be having some architectural abilities right? That was two years ago. I was a different person then. Now, when somebody asks me why I took architecture, I reply;

                “Stupidity, I guess.”

                After coming here, I won’t say I got to know the ‘big world’ or I gained worldly experiences like all my predecessors preached. But I should say that after surviving two years worth of sleepless nights, hectic design schedules, the even more hectic trophy works, senior- junior meetings I got to know some special set of people that the archie (read as arkie) clan of TKM is comprised of. So, it was my pleasure to list them down here. Of course, it does not cover all the people. So here goes,

    1) The classy people

Architecture students came to acquire such fame mainly because of these people. They stick together. They are particularly confident about their sense of fashion. Fashion mostly obtained from the money sent by their rich NRI parents. It is mandatory that at least one of them is from Ernakulam and they speak good English. The gang is predominantly composed of girls but there might be one or two lonesome guys who are sadly too cool to be among the common set of guys. The classies engage in many fashionable endeavors which are all duly recorded in facebook. Many a poor student has deactivated their facebook account after becoming green with envy from these posts. Meanwhile the stalkers gorge in on the news.

 2) Wannabes

I particularly feel sorry for these people. Honestly speaking, I am sure almost everybody has gone down this lane once but most come back, except the real wannabes who just can’t help it. They try to stick with the classy people but they don’t really get along that well. They pass random English words and random fashion tryouts but let’s just say some arrows miss their mark.

          3)The outcasts

These are the ones who can’t handle the drama of being part of the class because they are too sensitive or they are antisocial or because they are too classy. They brazenly avoid meetings, whether it’s a senior-junior meeting or a class meeting. They are professionals at disappearing without a trace once a meeting is announced.  They don’t contribute much even if they do accidently end up in a meeting. But the most special character of this species is that go home at the drop of a needle. Their bags are always packed.  They are not invisible; they help out when the class really needs them. Yet they will never come to the main stage.

         4)  Forever pissed

They are a pain to those around them, especially their roommates. They are moody. Always. These may be normal people pre-architecture, but the stress of the course ensures that they are forever pissed. Once in a blue moon when all the sheets are submitted, all the trophy works completed and all the exams finished you might see them happy but not for long. One look at their faces is enough to ruin your day. They are bad at resolving the issues in their life, or rather; this is how they solve it, by taking it out on other people.

5)The ever so judgmental

The judgmental ones will judge anything from art to the bar soap you use. They might have more knowledge in various fields than most people. This means they have the right to judge everybody. They are the ultimate fashion police. They have an opinion about everybody and everything, and they try to impose it on other people. Their perspective is the correct view of the world. You get the most irritated when they try to be nice while they are at it. They are also the ones with most influence in class politics. This is a good thing when your class consists of people who have varying and contrasting views, though some won’t agree with me.

         6) The invisibles

The invisible people come and go and you won’t even feel a breeze in their wake. They are also outcasts but even the outcasts are not invisible as I previously mentioned. The invisibles simply want to get the wretched course done with and wipe off every trace of memory associated with the place. They might have been active once upon a time but one bitter experience in TKM, or a series of it, left them lifeless. There are others who simply don’t care to socialize. Either way they should really get out of this zone. Perhaps, attend a meeting or two?

7) The CBs (cut throat bitches)

CB is a usage I have been coining recently which I picked up from House MD. And by CB I include both guys and girls. The CBs will lie, cheat and even beg to get their way. They may not be mean or rude to others. They just don’t bother when they trample all over you to get to the top,  actually, they make a point to say, “I am so sorry”. They finish their projects fast and come to you to exclaim, “Ayyo! It’s not finished yet?” They are too selfish for words and too competitive on anything and everything. These people are also sadists, and are delighted when somebody’s spirit is broken.


Last but not the least,

     8) The Drama kings and queens

They are typically active during meetings when they become seniors, they may be normal otherwise. They make sure the rich traditions of TKM Architecture department is followed without fail. Once a meeting commences they start their sterling performance. Long eloquent speeches stretching on to hours that will tire out both juniors and the fellow seniors. They are a waking nightmare for every junior. Every batch is sure to have a set of these, and I think, more than architecture they should try writing screenplay for Malayalam serials where their talents will be much more appreciated.

sincere thanks to everyone who helped conceptualize and a special thanks to the writer who turned the idea into an article  (DISCLAIMER :This article does not intend on Stereotyping anyone ! It was never intended to hurt anyone's feelings or ego's in anyway!)


  1. i cant believe a few hours of train journey n discussion turned into something this big! kudos people!!

    1. :D yes i know! we will work hard and do as much as we can... hopefully turn this into a weekly bLog !

  2. Wow .! True :) I m an Archie too .. And yeah we have the same set of people in my college too :)
    Nice work ! Fellow Archie :)

  3. I must say u nailed it! Reading this felt like I'm watching a screenplay of my own batch :)

  4. I must say u nailed it! Reading this felt like I'm watching a screenplay of my own batch :)
